social commentary from that blonde in the corner

Monday, January 5, 2009

Last Night I Dreamt...

...that somebody loved me enough to let me spend my birthday with Moz. Well, sort of. I must now get my ticketmaster trigger finger ready for another installment of MOZ mania. This concert habit isn't cheap. $80.00 per ticket, yet again, to see my aging teen idol flail his microphone cord about the stage like old gladiolas. But it will be worth every penny, just like the hundreds I spent on him last time. *Gulp* And I am not alone ,thankfully. There will tons of other fanatical folks rushing past the security guards at Bowery, thus leaving a few seats left for the old folks like me (who actually need the seats). So get ready, Liz! Besides, how often do you get to see your favorite performer? At Carnegie Hall? On your BIRTHDAY? The stars must align for my ultimate of birthday successes. I hate to admit it, but it's been at least umpteen years since I first saw him perform at the Tower Theatre is lovely Upper Darby, PA. So, as you can see, I owe it to my dear, old self to see him on more time.

And, many, MANY thanks to CS for sounding the alert bell tonight, when I was almost on my way to sleepytown. Now I am too excited to sleep, if only for a wee bit while I finish this rant. Back to my dream....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is onnnnn!! For friday, I will have to be doing speedial & internet all at once. I will roll by pregnant butt into the academy of music or Carnegie hall & may just be the first pregnant woman to jump the stage...thoughts? I may need a boost from you!
