social commentary from that blonde in the corner

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obamanation, a.k.a , A New Dawn

Here are some images from the past few day's events, part one. Plus, my favorite low rent newspaper cover of the day. Complete with my name in the headline ,of course.

More importantly, I was searching for photos of todays events that really stood out. Not that many so far, but this may be an ongoing posting for me. I'll keep searching, of course.

Oh, dear reader, what a day. I wanted pictures to match! Cheney in a wheelchair!

Moving on.....

I never thought in a million years that awful Beyonce could make me cry. But today, she sort of of did. I'd like to think it was just the end of an emotional day. Or that she just happened to be singing THAT song, while the President danced with his wife. Damn you, evil Beyonce. So yes, yes it was really just a culmination of so many great things that took place today that made me cry. And the fact that Obama was sworn in today as our first African American president made me say, for the first time in well over a decade, that I was happy to be American.

I was online earlier via CNN via Facebook ( of course) during the inauguration speech with so many other people today,which is very unlike me. I got caught up in the drama of the day, so sue me.

Not to take away from the importance of the inaugural speech, of course. From my favorite guest speaker of the day, Rev. Lowery, here is one quote that really caught me ear:

" us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right. Let all who do justice and love mercy say amen and say amen."

And you know I said amen, allright. Shoot.

And from Obama, here is one statement from his speech that made me want to run out and join the first volunteer organization that would have me:

"On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord."

As Queen Latifah and the illustrious Charlie Murphy-as-Rick-James have said before ,
UNITY! And that was my call to service, my dear reader. UNITY!

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